Making Sense with Ed Butowsky
Hosted by 35-year investment manager, Ed Butowsky, "Making Sense" is designed for delving deep into understanding investing in episodes less than 30 minutes.
To learn more about Chapwood Investments, you can visit us at our website (www.chapwoodinvestments.com).
Making Sense with Ed Butowsky
The Investor's Toolbox: Investment Forensics
The Investment Forensics toolbox was designed for investors to have the capabilities to use institutional investment tools on their own portfolios in a simple and clear way.
In this episode, Ed Butowsky and Jordan McFarland discuss the importance of including the Investment Forensics Toolbox in your portfolio plan, and share a specific example of the benefit it can bring.
Please see the following summaries of the 10 unique tools within the Investment Forensics Toolbox to gain a better understanding of what each one brings to the investor.
The Chaptimizer is the most powerful portfolio-building tool in the investment community today. It can build portfolios that have historically achieved whatever your desired rate of return and risk profile are. This tool is password protected – if you’d like a demonstration contact us.
ChapVest allows all individuals, regardless of portfolio size and income, to determine if what they have in their portfolio is what they need. Across all incomes and ages, most people have no clue about exactly what they need to make to not lose purchasing power.
Portfolio Enhancer
Many portfolios need to be enhanced by bringing their return on historical basis higher and their risk lower. The goal of the portfolio enhancer is to simply make your portfolio more efficient. This item is password protected.
Chip Score
The Chip Score allows investors, for the first time, to score their portfolio in regard to risk and return. Most importantly, it allows you to score your financial advisor. If you have a score below 50, you really need to consider making major changes.
Financial Distress Calculator
The Financial Distress Calculator is a very simple tool that allows all individuals to determine if they’re on a path to prosperity in retirement, or if they’re headed down the wrong path. This tool is anonymous, but allows you to determine on your own if you’re on the right path or not.
Salary & Income Comparison
This is a unique tool that allows you to see what varying salary and income will do to your retirement.
Investment Reality Check
The Investment Reality Check is very similar to the Pepsi Challenge. We go through different well-known investors and investment firms to help you see what’s efficient and what’s broken.
Portfolio Analyzer
The Portfolio Analyzer is exactly that – it allows you to see your eight metrics on your investment portfolio.
Portfolio Builder
The Portfolio Builder allows investors to build a portfolio that historically matches their return profile and risk profile. This item is password protected.
Side-by-Side Calculator
The Side-by-Side Calculator allows us to dissect in great detail one portfolio in comparison to another portfolio.
Contact us today if you'd like us to run these for your own personal investment portfolio free of charge.